Confessions of a Drunkard: Matthew Lang’s Screen Debut

Still from Confessions of a Drunkard

Still from Confessions of a Drunkard by Film By Democracy

So it’s the middle of NaNoWriMo, and Matthew has more or less left us to our own devices. We understand he’s passed the half way mark of 25,000 words, and is apparently four or five chapters away from finishing the draft of Prophecy, which will hopefully then make it into print after he finished editing it. Other than that, he says he’s struggling to make his word count targets and keep on top of everything else.

In more interesting news, Matthew is about to make his Big Screen debut in Film by Democracy‘s Confessions of a Drunkard, their entry into Melbourne’s 2012 48 Hour Film Festival. Matthew previously auditioned for a web series that never quite got off the ground, and was recently invited by director Monte Macpherson in the 48 Hour Film Project shoot. The Film By Democracy crew were given a film genre of Black Comedy, the character of an activist, the prop of a magnet, and the line “Let me tell you a secret,” all of which had to be included in the final film. Matthew played a largely improvised role of a partygoer–a metrosexual who was planning on being just gay enough to get the girl. He also possibly ended up murdered.

If you’d like to see him in all of his potential acting glory (we’re still dubious, but don’t tell him we said that, he won’t find out until he checks his website in December), you can come along to the second screening of 48 hour film festival entries:

Where: Cinema Nova, Lygon Street, Carlton
When: Wednesday, November 14,  8:15 PM for an 8:30 PM start
Tickets: General Admission $22, Concession $18.70, bookings here.

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In addition to Confessions of a Drunkard, you’ll also be able to see fifteen other short films. If Confessions of a Drunkard gets through to the top twelve, you can also come along to the Awards night on Friday the 16th of November. We can’t show you a video preview of the film, sadly, but we can show you film director Monte rushing to get the film finished and handed in on time.

We’ve also added the option for you to follow The Writing of Matthew Lang on Facebook via Networked Blogs–just click the follow button over on the right and you can access the latest from Matthew’s site directly from Facebook. Or you can just click here.

