Hanukkah with Keira Andrews!

With the huge and continual emphasis on Christmas happenings in the world–at least the western world–it’s very easy to forget that not everyone follows the cult of the jolly fat gift giving man, and there are a lot of other traditions out there, one of the more prominent ones being, of course, Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. It falls somewhere between late November and late December, and this year is on the 20th.

In honour of the festival I’d like to introduce author Keira Andrews, who’s Hanukkah Story, Eight Nights, is available from Loose Id. I started by asking her what her funniest Hannukah (or Christmas) memory was.

A Christmas memory that always makes me laugh is the year I went snooping and found an Atari game system in my parents’ closet. I was so excited, and because I was eight years old and couldn’t keep a secret to save my life, my mom found out. She casually mentioned the next day that they were hiding an Atari for my cousins. I was heartbroken! When my sister and I opened up the Atari on Christmas morning, we were absolutely ecstatic. My parents said we were very lucky they didn’t return it after what I pulled, and I learned to never hunt for gifts again!

Aside from your book—which everyone should buy—what do you think is a failsafe Christmas gift?

You can’t go wrong with fruitcake. Kidding, kidding! In my experience, electronic devices never miss – especially if it’s a luxury item the person can’t justify buying for themselves (iPod, camera, Blu-ray player, etc.).

What inspired Eight Nights?

I was inspired to write Eight Nights after spending Hanukkah with a friend and her family. I really enjoyed learning about different holiday traditions – and eating new kinds of holiday food!

What’s your best Christmas recipe for dinner party success?

The key to holiday dinner party success? Lots of alcohol. 😀 Also, my mom’s curry dip is always a hit. Serve with fresh veggies for an easy and delicious appetizer.


1/2 Cup Mayonnaise (can be low-fat if you prefer)
2 tbs Ketchup (tomato sauce)
2 tbs honey
2 tbs onion power/onion flakes
1 tbs lemon juice
1 tsp curry powder
6 drops Tobasco sauce/to taste

Mix all ingredients and serve.

I know you don’t believe in guilty pleasures, so what’s your most obscure guilt-free pleasure?

Hmm, that would probably be watching figure skating. Most people only pay attention to the sport every four years, but I’m an avid follower year in and year out.

So get into the Hannukah Spirit this year, and grab yourself a copy of Eight Nights.

Lucas McKenzie figures spending the holidays with his annoying roommate’s family is better than being alone on campus. The last thing he expects is to lust over Sam’s brother — or for Nate to actually want him back.

They hide their attraction during Hanukkah celebrations, but behind closed doors, Lucas and Nate can’t keep their hands (or mouths) off each other. Nate’s only looking for a bit of holiday fun, and amazing sex with a hot virgin definitely fits the bill.

Yet as the candles burn, Nate and Lucas begin to realize eight nights will never be enough.

Want more Keira Andrews? Check out her website, find her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

